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Using a Time-Series

In addressing Time-Series specific use cases, it is imperative to adopt a distinct approach for accurate analysis and effective training of Time Series (TS) models. This section will explore three specialized Time-Series tools designed to facilitate a comprehensive understanding and proficiency when dealing with Time-series datasets or use cases in a broader context. By leveraging these tools, users can gain valuable insights and enhance their expertise in navigating the intricacies of Time-Series analysis and modeling.

Time-Series Analysis

The TS Analysis module provides a wealth of insights and graphical representations to aid in drawing meaningful conclusions from your data, setting the stage for the subsequent construction of a Machine Learning (ML) pipeline.

To initiate the process, click on the dataset earmarked for your TS analysis and select the ML icon in the left sidebar. This action will seamlessly transition you to the ML Lab, where you can meticulously construct your ML pipeline, experimenting with various models to pinpoint the one best suited for your specific use case.

ML icon

ML Lab icon

Within the ML Lab, creating your use case is a straightforward process. Simply click the Create use case button and opt for the Blank use case selection in the ensuing pop-up.

blank use case

Create use case icon

The process unfolds across three steps: firstly, specify the ML Task (in our case, TS Forecasting) and click Next; secondly, define the target class, date column, and other TS-related parameters; and finally, select a name for your use case.

ML Task

ML Task step

ML Task

Target and sate column selection step

ML Task

ML Task step

Upon completing the use case setup, proceed to the TS sanity check, where papAI autonomously detects the time-series frequency and verifies correct resampling. In our case, the check passes, allowing the creation of the ML pipeline.


If the sanity check is failed due to an inconsistency of the detected frequency, you can resample your dataset by clicking the button Reample your dataset to access to the TS cleaning interface and apply your new resampling according to your likings.

sanity check

TS sanity check interface

Now, onto the TS Analysis section, where results are automatically computed and displayed, providing a comprehensive overview of the use case and time-series.

The first analytical tool at your disposal is the data visualization of the time-series, offering customization options for a tailored exploration.

TS analysis

TS analysis interface with time-series viz

Delve into statistics related to the target and time-series, including minimum and maximum values of the target class, as well as specific TS indicators such as periodicity and stationarity.

TS stats

TS statistics tool

Another indispensable tool is the ACF and PACF plots, enabling you to determine the number of lags and gain valuable insights into stationarity, Auto Regression, and Moving Average parameters.

ACF plot

ACF and PACF plots

Concluding the suite of analysis tools is the STL decomposition, offering a detailed breakdown of factors related to the time-series, including the trend, seasonality, and residuals — a crucial step in unraveling the underlying dynamics of your data.


TS statistics tool

Here is a vido showcasing the TS Analysis module

Time-Series Forecasting

After meticulously creating your use case and thoroughly analyzing your time-series, the next step involves crafting your Machine Learning pipeline. This journey commences within the TS Analysis interface, where you navigate to the Experiments tab in the top right corner and initiate the process by selecting the Create Experiment button.


Building pipeline step

A pop-up window unfolds, guiding you through distinct steps to construct your pipeline and experiment with various models:

  1. Forecasting Window Setup:
    Begin by determining the forecasting window, specifying the number of past data points for training and the desired number of forecasted data points.

forecast window

Forecasting window step

  1. Model Selection:
    Proceed to select the type of model for your experiment. In this instance, we opt for the Simple Exponential Smoothing model. You can toggle on the button next to the model and fine-tune specific parameters if necessary. Additionally, you have the flexibility to select and train multiple models simultaneously.

model selection

Model selection step

  1. Evaluation:
    In the final step, define the starting point of the time-series training window. Once set, click the Create button and initiate the experiment by selecting Create experiment and train it now. The process launches instantly, and the training status, along with relevant metrics, is displayed. The training concludes successfully when the status is marked as Success.


Evaluation step

Post-training assessment, you can add the model to your Flow by creating a model registry. This is essential for making predictions on other datasets within the flow and deploying the model into production.


List of experiments interface

To achieve this, select the three dots on the right of the model run, then click Add model to the flow. Complete the required details for the recipe and registry, and click Submit. Returning to the Flow, you'll find the model registry, containing the desired model from the ML Lab, ready for use.

model registry

Building pipeline step

Now, let's apply a prediction operation using this new model and a dataset from the flow. Simply select the new model registry and click on the prediction operation. Add an input dataset and an output dataset on the left sidebar, then click Continue. The subsequent interface provides information about the model and modifiable parameters. Here, specify the prediction length and initiate the process by selecting Save recipe and save it now under the Save button. Monitor the process through the green check next to the output dataset.


Real and predicted time-series visualisation

To inspect real and predicted values, access the created dataset and navigate to the Visualization tab. Utilize the data visualization module to craft a line plot showcasing the predicted values from the model. Select Line as the plot type, designate the datetime column as the X-axis, choose the target class, and assign the prediction tag for color-coding real and predicted values.


Real and predicted time-series visualisation

The resultant plot vividly illustrates the model's ability to replicate the behavior of the trained time-series, depicting a discernible upward trend over the years in this example.

Here is a video showcasing the TS Forecasting tool

Time-Series Anomaly Detection

This feature proves highly beneficial as its primary objective is to distinguish between regular expected behavior and irregular unexpected behavior within the data. Unsupervised algorithms employed in this process analyze temporal patterns and trends to establish a baseline of normal behavior, flagging any deviation from this baseline as an anomaly.

To initiate the anomaly detection process, simply select a time-series dataset from your flow and click on the Anomaly Detection icon in the left sidebar.

TS anomaly icon

TS Anomaly detection icon

Within the same area, set up input and output datasets by clicking on the plus logo and then on Continue to proceed.

I/O datasets

Input and output datasets settings

This action opens a new window where you can configure your model and define the targets. Select the target column to apply your anomaly detection and choose your desired model from a comprehensive catalog of state-of-the-art models.

TS anomaly interface

TS Anomaly interface

TS anomaly models

List of TS Anomaly models

In this instance, we opt for the Seasonal anomaly detector. Clicking on the selected target column to unveils additional parameters related to model configuration.

TS anomaly models

TS Anomaly detection model parameters

Once configuration is complete, select the Create recipe and run it now option within the Create button to launch the process.

TS anomaly models

Launch of the TS Anomaly detection process

As the process initiates, await the completion of the output dataset. To visualize the results, access the visualization tab by double-clicking on your dataset. Here, create a new line plot by selecting the line plot type, with the date column as the X-axis and the anomaly target column as the Y-axis. Leveraging the color axis option, anomalies within the series are highlighted in red, while normal data points remain blue.

TS anomaly models

Line plot of the time-series with the detected anomalies

For instance, data points in March 2020 and March 2021 are flagged as anomalies due to their significant deviation from the norm.

Here is a video showcasing the TS anomaly detection