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Project navigation

Selecting a project will give you access to the project's homepage with either a page indicating you to import a dataset through different options available on papAI or a the full workflow of your project with the different operations used to obtain the best model possible.

On the top horizontal bar, we have different sections corresponding to some aspects of the project :

Project sections

Project sections

  • The Flow section corresponds to the workflow of operations that you applied onto your imported datasets and outputs from the preprocessing part until the prediction applied on the testing set.

Project flow

Project's Flow section and homepage

- The Datasets section includes the datasets available in the project

Project datasets

Project's Datasets section

- The Operations section lists all of the operations applied on the datasets included in the flow and that can be scheduled

Project operations

Project's Operations section


For any operations added in your project, papAI gives you the option to schedule any of your operations if needed through the icon.
When scheduled, a notification gets sent on your registered email with the status (either succeeded or failed) and the logs of the operation.

  • The Settings section is used for looking or modifying some project settings but also it includes the option of adding and managing contributors of the project if you wanted to be shared with other users of papAI.

Project settings

Project's Settings section

- The Jobs section regroups all the logs of each operation applied by the user in the project with precise description of the tasks and its status within the process.

Project jobs

Project's Jobs section


All of these sections are essential to get an overview of your project and to handle each aspect within your grasp.